Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
♛queen of disaster ♛
454 Posts
Ooc — Mini (Marie)
bwaha I guess xD

Oh he had a nerve too! Cara watched closely the way the new guy held Kaname's stare, dangerous thing to do. Her eyes fluttered from the pale boy to the earthen man, she was not sure how Kaname would react to a surbordinate gazing into his icy eyes. Cara wouldn't be happy that's for sure. Besides dominace was an appealing trait for the girl.

If she had expected a fight to start over her she would be left waiting for a long time. Her closest companion in the pack showed no interest of fighting, not for Cara's attention nor for his rank to be respected. Instead he turned to her and asked her about someone she had never heard of.

Cara didn't welcome every new member of the pack, so it would've been easy for Itsuki to slip from her. "Who?" she asked, while narrowing her eyes at him. What was he trying to tell her?

While she waited for an answer she shot a furtive glance to the other yearling, her eyes connecting with his before turning back to Kaname.

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