Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
402 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
Hahah MoonBane is into anything that moves pretty much... XD

The older male tried unsuccessfully to subdue Keith with his stare, the young prince was insolent enough to challenge the higher ranked man, but engaged a conversation with the female ignoring Keith's presence which bothered him even more.

After a few seconds of listening, Keith had had enough, he scoffed and cleared his throat to get their attention, "I'm gonna be going now, there's prey to be caught" he said glancing at the pair with his head held high and a smile, and then his eyes turned to Cara only while stepping forward to pass by her side, "see ya later" he said with a wink, and then took off running through the woods heading toward what he thought could be a lake.

Exit, sorry Keith is so childish xD... He's so gonna hate Kaname after this xD
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