Dragoncrest Cliffs i think im pretnet w my 14th child? the test was ghetto..what is your opione?
the world is cold and life's not fair
64 Posts
Ooc — Rosie
Few things could have prepared Isleña for the name which Aure uttered and claimed to be the father of her children. Verx! The man who had once been her lover before she became a part of Drageda, and with whom the universes reunited her after Aure and Mallaidh had saved her from her own ruin. The banshee did not fool herself by saying that her and Verx were anything but what they were; two wolves destined to provide companionship and corporeal comfort to each other when it was needed, and space when it was not. Isleña wasn’t even certain she was capable of liking men in more than a “thanks for making me cum” sort of way, but still, this news irked her. Verx was handsome and a definite flirt, so maybe she shouldn’t have been so surprised.

But Aure, that was where her feelings on the matter became complex! The white wolfess had slowly wormed her way into Isleña’s heart through her quirky manners and verbose turns of phrase — she meant well and seemed to make everyone else’s life better, so the banshee figured that Aure was a good soul, who deserved good. Isleña rarely respected these laws of nature, usually searching for something to exploit rather than to celebrate, but things had changed when she devoted herself to Drageda. What worked before, no longer did.

Maybe that’s why Isleña felt a little bad for fucking the guy that Aure was very clearly enamored with, even though it was an accident and happened before Isleña even knew Aure existed. Really, this faux pas was upon Verx’s shoulder, but there was a sense of kinship and womanhood that Isleña felt she had violated, and without any reason. If she were going to hurt someone, it always had to be for the greater good. This, was not it. “Verx…” Isleña stammared. “I no…” but she didn’t really know what was the appropriate thing to say, here. She needed more information before she knew how to appropriately respond. “You are love, Verx?” she questioned, trying to appear [for all intents and purposes] happy for the new mother.
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