Silver Creek Sorry I was too busy looking at your eyes
28 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
His last meet with Harrison had left him winded, his understanding of how Rosings was clearly going to be much more work than expected weighing over his wide shoulders like that of an aged carcass. He couldn't fathom why the women would choose to pose so much worry and weight over their overseers, but with a crisp reminder, it was Grayson who told him of which female it was who had brought such mass to the situation. Lilah. And there wasn't much more he could do other than his job, which was ensure she didn't do something stupid that near all women had a tendency to commit. All except sweet, sweet Emerson,...all except darling Oryx...Those two had enraptured his palate, engorged his idle mind into sharpening once more. Both were treats he was not meant to have...but that only made the diplomat want them that much more. 
He would wait for them within the depths of his sea.

The creek was where he directed the second half of his search, his trail of his warrant being direct to the cold water's breach. And behold, there be the troublesome wench. His silk was ushered in his scandelous baritones as the serpent extended his voice. Calming blues roved appraisingly over the weeping woman, as he spoke. "Lilah, love, what ails you?

Welcome to my cage, little lover...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Sorry I was too busy looking at your eyes - by Dawson - February 18, 2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Sorry I was too busy looking at your eyes - by Dawson - February 25, 2019, 02:07 PM