Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
♛queen of disaster ♛
454 Posts
Ooc — Mini (Marie)

Why is he asking me this?, she thought while letting her eyes fall again on white yearling's form. She wanted to know more about this guy but there was Kaname asking her about some guy she hadn't even heard of before. She would've hinted she wanted to be with Keith alone, but something inside her stopped her. For some reason she enjoyed Kaname's company as well.

Suddenly the boy, who had been shoved into the sidelines for a minute, spoke up. Noo! she yelled internally wanting to oppose to his early departure, but she didn't. Instead she turned back to Kaname with a sigh that expressed how miscalculated his entrance had been. She would find a minute to speak to the boy later.

She listened to Kaname's explanation of who Itsuki was, and Cara listened half heartedly.
"Jinx killed him."
Her ears swiveled to face him and her eyes locked with his. Jinx? A surprised gasp left her mouth and she shook her head indreduly. "She killed him?!" she echoed, while sinking her eyes into his. He had no reason to take this as a challenging gesture, it was merely product of the shock and disbelief that ran through her body.

"H-How do you know that?" she asked while thinking back on their conversation by the duck lake. What reason other than madness would drive the snow queen to kill one of her own?

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