Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
♛queen of disaster ♛
454 Posts
Ooc — Mini (Marie)

She felt lightning run along her vertebrae, everything that was going on in the Ouroboros was insane. The pack had taken one hit after the other: starting by the betrayal if various members, the war against the Isle wolves, the stress of the move, and now it was concluding with what Cara thought to be the most devastating blow of all. The complete loss of her leader. A mad Alpha who killed her own subordinates was as good as a dead one. The young girl's whole body shuddered as she thought of her heroine killing her instead.

She could be capable of it now. Jinx was not in her right mind so she would have no morals to stop her from ripping the guts out of her own Epsilon.Her beloved queen would not hesitate to kill, that had been proven. But what were they to do? Cara didn't have the heart to leave the Ouroboros, but following a the disturbed Alpha could led them straight into the mouth of death.

"Why? Why would she do such thing?" she mumbled amost incohorently. Her eyes filled with frustration and fear.

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