The Sunspire It's home (Oasis official discovery)
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
Ooc —

Jace... Ferdie sighed, Forget it, it happened, you are a wolf of your own actions, I could not put a leash on you if I tried, Ferdie Smirked and nudges Jace's neck fondly And I know that you would not 'try' do anything that would endanger our pack, That is why you are beta. If you are to see Leaf again you must do so without getting near the creek. Bazi will likely tolerate you better then most but don't push it Ferdie frowned at Jace, but in his own way he was giving Jace permission to do what ever the hell Jace wanted,

Oh and Fang our only other male pack member so far, he is a hybrid remember that when you are talking to him, he requires more tact then other wolves, but he's proven to be useful. In saying this Ferdie was saying without saying it aloud, He's a dog but a loyal dog treat him well and he'll come home.

Ferdie reached over and began to groom Jace's shoulder Grooming Jace's pelt and pulling scabs and testing for infection. Have these been treated? and what of your limp is it getting better? Ferdie asked as he continued to pull loose fur and dander from Jace's pelt with practiced speed and precision.

Messages In This Thread
It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Jace - July 25, 2014, 09:07 PM
RE: It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Jace - July 26, 2014, 09:11 AM
RE: It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Jace - July 28, 2014, 03:51 PM
RE: It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Ferdie Von Pelt - July 30, 2014, 11:04 PM
RE: It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Jace - July 31, 2014, 12:57 PM
RE: It's home (Oasis official discovery) - by Jace - August 04, 2014, 07:43 PM