Lost Creek Hollow for you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not
26 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
and then the force from her mighty paw smashed his daft little skull in and ash was dead on the floor! 

haha, no, but imagine??? 

wherever terance was was not of concern to ash, who was far more intrigued by his new play buddy! who was VERY GOOD at playing by ash’s standards. she called him a word he didn’t understand, to which ash absentmindedly parroted, anying. onyong. aannnnn. ying!!!! but, true to form, much more annoying than it shouldve been.

somehow, she managed to get him on the ground. must’ve been some witch power, but ash crossed his eyes to watch as her paw slowly and sweetly lowered him to the ground, his tail beating against the earth. unaware that she was planning an attack of her own, ash silently counted the seconds down until he could CHOMP on her exposed limb. but before he knew it he was the one under fire!! wow!! good get, ash was impressed. and as she scampered away, ash scrambled to his feet to chase after her, giggling and hooting the whole way. run run!! he cheered, rearing and lunging clumsily to tackle the older pup to the ground and bite literally any exposed limb. or piece of flesh. he didn’t discriminate.
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