with a child's heart
20 Posts
Ooc — Charmy
all welcome - late morning - at the very edge of the borders

Everything was suddenly going so very wrong. He hadn’t seen Cyrus in a while and it was causing him some pretty serious distress. During his attempt at trying to find his brother, he had a pretty gnarly run-in with a rather pissed off badger, landing him a couple of nasty bites to his hindquarters. Having zero medical knowledge beyond licking his wounds and trying to keep them clean, he was now not only worried about his missing older brother, but he was also worried about the bites to his flank.

Not knowing where else to turn, the tiny yearling male did the only thing he could think to do; he planned to make his way from where he had been camping out with his brother and headed south. There was only one other soul in this place that he knew and he found himself hoping that she was still where she’d told him she was. He didn’t know what he’d do if he got there and found her gone, too. Hamied was starting to think that leaving with Cyrus had been a bad idea and that he should just have stayed with his parents even if it meant having to deal with the unrelenting teasing and torture from his other siblings. At least then he wouldn’t be hurting and wouldn’t be alone.

His traveling was, without a doubt, terribly slow and quite painful. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to be able to make it all the way from the north to her doorstep because he was very nearly crying with every step he took. He’d wanted nothing more than to make it to her borders but the pain in his hindquarters was increasingly painful with each step he took. There was just no way he was going to be able to make it, but he also knew that he was going to absolutely need help or he wasn’t going to last for long. Hamied was far too young to have to be faced with the realization that without help he was going to end up dying, be it from a possible infection or from something larger coming along and taking advantage of his current state.

Reaching the borders of some mountain that he’d only seen in passing, he could smell others here. Knowing better than to just let himself in, the tiny yearling collapsed at the very edge of the borders. He’d lost a considerable amount of weight since his brother had come up missing, making him look almost like a walking skeleton. From his position on the ground, he lifted his muzzle and called out, calling for whoever would hear him.

Messages In This Thread
with a child's heart - by Hamied - October 10, 2013, 09:13 PM