Whump research
Seelie Court
272 Posts
Ooc — Tori
So Memory is about to take a pretty heavy whump. I've been looking at photos of horrible injuries all morning for research but I have a few questions. 

1. How quickly would a severe laceration  heal without stiches? I've seen wolves with ears missing and even limbs missing so I assume they stop bleeding quickly. 
2. How would a wolf avoid infection in a punctured eye? 
3. How soon would a wolf be able to eat again after a devastating mouth injury? 
4. How bad of body condition would a wolf be in after starving for 3-6 weeks (I assume how long it would take to be healed enough to eat again.)
Messages In This Thread
Whump research - by Memory - April 05, 2020, 12:26 PM
RE: Whump research - by Reiko - April 05, 2020, 01:02 PM
RE: Whump research - by Arcturus - April 05, 2020, 02:33 PM