Blacktail Deer Plateau frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Blue was busy as usual taking care of those around her and keeping an eye on Atticus. Still refusing to give up hope, as everyone else around her did. She blatantly refused to believe that there was no hope, that he wouldn't come back to her or maybe them. She didn't know it would take some time she supposed even after he came back, and there could be permanent damage. She sighed and then tilting her head she shifted and looked over at him, to watch him, trace the contours of him looking for a change.

She froze as she thought she saw his eye blink and his ear twitch, but she wasn't certain. She studied him a little longer and then looked back down at the herbs she was separating and putting back into skins, making sure to put the older ones in the front.
Messages In This Thread
frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Atticus - September 05, 2014, 11:03 PM
RE: frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Blue Willow - September 05, 2014, 11:10 PM