Blacktail Deer Plateau frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aww thanks<3

Blue knew she wouldn’t be able to hide most of her emotion, because she was just so happy at the moment. She knew he would be okay, she had known it all along. She tilted her head back and wanted to sing, but she was so afraid it would startle him. He had been living in his own head for weeks, what could he understand? What couldn’t he? Would he have to relearn some things? Would he be okay? Would his mind be okay? A million and one questions flew through her mind as she tried hard to figure out what she could to do to help. While at the same time she fought to rein her thoughts in so she didn’t overload herself or him. She had never been this close to someone she was trying to heal, and her emotions at the moment were ruling her.

Blue was surprised, but pleasantly so when he whined and pushed forward. She licked his brow and face and slid her nose across the scruff of his neck gently preening, while humming. Extremely happy to see him awake, he was not well yet, but at least he was awake. She backed up for just a moment to life her nose in the air and howl for @Peregrine all her joy and fear and everything all rolled into one big loud howl. She ghosted back towards him and ran her muzzle along his shoulders and continued to preen his ruff, so happy to give a little bit more care, because he was awake now.
Messages In This Thread
frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Atticus - September 05, 2014, 11:03 PM
RE: frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Blue Willow - September 06, 2014, 09:05 AM