Blacktail Deer Plateau frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ah the feels...well i'm glad it worked out then :).

Blue didn't know if any other pack would have stuck by him, but she did know even if they haven't she would have made her goodbyes and left and took care of him herself. But he was loved by his brother and his family and they were a family.

She chuckled gently at his words, wouldn't want too. She sighed happily and slid her muzzle across his shoulders, unsure what to do, but wanting to touch him to make sure he was real. It was so strange, it was like a dream that he was awake and talking again. I'm glad for that. She smiled again and hummed softly, content and happy in the moment.
Messages In This Thread
frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Atticus - September 05, 2014, 11:03 PM
RE: frozen in timeless aura, a catalyst of colors - by Blue Willow - September 09, 2014, 01:41 PM