Duskfire Glacier of some ghastly predicament in mind
ís & steinn ♔ hjarta & sál
583 Posts
Ooc — Java
There were more reports coming to him of the lynx, and it was a troubling thought. More than that, it was maddening. That there was such a threat upon their lands was one thing, but to have the lynx openly taunting individual wolves was another. The Alpha was infuriated. He roamed the forests with only one goal in mind, and that was to find the damned cat and be rid of it for good. Njal's trek started at the den site and spiraled outwards, gradually taking him closer and closer to the edge of the territory. He was looking for lynx, but as luck would have it, a wolf was what he found.

She was hesitant in her movements, and clearly distracted. Njal had failed to realize how close the night had come by this point, and as he turned his head to spy upon what she watched, he noticed the enigmatic flourish of color above his head. The sunset was warm and inviting - but that was hardly the same for the wolves that basked beneath it. The Alpha turned his attention away from the brilliant sight and watched the dark woman's figure, estimating the distance and judging whether or not she was a threat. It appeared as if she was holding her ground at the edge of the territory, obeying the unseen line.

Not a threat, then. Just curious, and taken in by the glacier pack's namesake.

Njal wanted to depart from this budding situation and get back to hunting the lynx, but... A break would be a wise decision. A moment away from the problems that plagued his family. So he chose instead to forge onward, weaving between trees but otherwise not masking his approach. He was a big guy, and the sound of the crackling underbrush would be enough to alert the stranger. When he finally emerged from the tangled dark, the male assumed a dominant posture and said, Enjoying the view? with a bit more mirth than he truly felt.
Messages In This Thread
of some ghastly predicament in mind - by Echelon - September 19, 2014, 01:43 AM
RE: of some ghastly predicament in mind - by RIP Njal - September 21, 2014, 01:54 PM
RE: of some ghastly predicament in mind - by Echelon - September 21, 2014, 07:16 PM