Blackfoot Forest city of the fallen
the serpent king
281 Posts
Ooc —

There was a part of Týrr that seriously questioned what he was doing with his life in that moment. He didn't know if it was wise to seek out the Amazon, despite that Thistle Cloud had confirmed that she'd been telling him the truth from the beginning. The only one that had been telling him the truth, apparently. Where he would have previously sought guidance he was left on his own to decide what path he took for himself. The seams had been wrenched open by Thistle Cloud and he was left to try to figure out with a torn apart life. Everything he had believed had been a lie and just when Týrr had been sure that he finally knew who he was he had been yanked down from the top of the climb, feeling victorious to scrambling in the dirt with nothing but confusion and fear as his companion. To not remember the truth and be left with nothing but lies was a fearful thing. A horrible thing. He clung tightly to what he knew was real: Duskfire Glacier, Tuwawi, Njal and realized that the Glacier was all that he had that he knew was real. A small comfort to the Nýeldur as he struggled to find realize the truth of his own identity. He might have known that Tezcacoatl was real, had been who he was once upon a time, but the memories were not there and any time that Týrr tried to force himself to remember something — anything, he was met with nothing but a pounding headache.

The Amazon came to him, though she stood back, weary. She addressed him as 'Tezcacoatl' and this time, Týrr did not bother to correct her. He wasn't sure he was her Tezcacoatl anymore but then again, he wasn't really Týrr was he? He was nothing and no one. Nameless, as he had been in his mother's womb. He stared at her stoically, ears cupping forth to pick up her words despite that he could hear her quite fine. The Rekkr drew in a deep breath and let it out in a slow exhale. I do not remember me as your Tezcacoatl, but I know now that all my memories ...they are lies. The Viking's wife told me everything. Or what she knew of it, anyway, Týrr broke his silence, crystalline blue eyes studying her across the distance. I am ...sorry. For not remembering, for being so quick to dismiss her.

he came and stole the wild
a crime so old as the sky and bone
Messages In This Thread
city of the fallen - by Tezcacoatl - September 21, 2014, 08:06 AM
RE: city of the fallen - by Manauia IA - September 21, 2014, 08:13 PM
RE: city of the fallen - by Tezcacoatl - September 23, 2014, 07:33 AM
RE: city of the fallen - by Manauia IA - October 01, 2014, 08:42 PM