Wild Berry Meadow double image
38 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
Today was not as beautiful as others likely would make it out to be. It was cold and wet and the snow did nothing good for her fur. She was shaking off the powdered snow on her coat as she walked across the meadow. She had not been here while there was no snow, so was was unaware of what was under there. She didn't care much either.

She was walking by herself when she heard the sound of gasping, rasping. Her ears rose and she walked toward the sound only to find it was a fat man. Well wasn't that disappointing? She had hoped for some sort of entertainment, not a fat guy doing a workout. She huffed lightly and came closer to the adult. She looked him over with a judging glance before announcing herself.

"I am bored." She came even closer and stopped a few feet from him. She wondered what the jester could produce of fun for the princess. "Entertain me." That was not a request, nor was there any amusement in her tone, just a simple command. Dance for me fat little man, or Ill make you dance.

So sorry for the fat-shaming<3 Makatza is horrible.
Messages In This Thread
double image - by Experience - December 31, 2021, 01:38 PM
RE: double image - by Makatza - January 04, 2022, 10:27 AM
RE: double image - by Experience - January 05, 2022, 03:53 PM