[IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else
333 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
She caught the newcomer's sly glance and responded by bristling, her tough copper guard hairs standing on edge along the length of her spine. Paar glowered in the pale wolfess' direction, her ears slick against her crown, her tail lashing with building frustration at her slim hocks. Silence lingered for a few brief moments before, as though mocking her, Sveta swept forward to bump herself against Shadow and flick her tongue out to caress the underside of her chin.

The gesture might have been a submissive one, or accidental, but as far as Paar was concerned it was far too coincidental. She could not have prepared herself for that and, to better fuel her anger, Shadow did nothing but gawk at the female before shaking the surprise away and progressive with his questioning. It was then that the crimson she-wolf curled her lip back to reveal impressive alabaster fangs and a low growl was emitted, directed toward the ivory female in a final warning.

Go ahead, her fierce stare seemed to say, try that again.
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RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - by Paarthurnax - October 08, 2014, 01:19 PM