The Sunspire lend me your ears
31 Posts
Ooc — Will
For anyone at The Sunspire! ;)

The Roman had not actively sought out anyone of The Sunspire since he had arrived except for another encounter with the dark Alphess, a slight chill went down his spine at the thought of the black female with vibrant silver green eyes. She had supposedly saved his life, no not his life, she had given him a sanctuary. He was pretty sure he would still have lived even if she didn't accept him that day but giving him the title of a pack wolf, he scowled briefly before the impassive mask with the mischievous look that he always had came back to his face. Now he owed her and he absolutely hated that, he hated owing wolves thing, he had to repay her as soon as possible or it would nag at him every second of his life until he had fulfilled his part. The sneaky Mercury-like part of him thought maybe he could 'accidentally' leap on her and attack her, disguising his scent then run away and come back later as Vale and help her. But that was too sneaky and dishonorable, no, this was bothering him greatly and was not a problem to be solved easily. Ame seemed like a wolf to be able to take care of herself without trouble, and that gave him trouble.

Yes, he was selfish wasn't he?

The wounds was slowly closing up, no longer bleeding though the injuries were clearly visible against him. There were probably going to be a few visible scars when he fully healed but most could not be seen underneath his thick silvery white fur, that was what happened with most of the scars his father gave him. Thinking of Aku brought back bad memories and for a moment, it was that day again, it took all his energy to shake the thought away and return to reality. Vale's mask was perfection for none of his internal turmoil showed through his stony exterior, thanks to Aku and Hadrian. For if any weakness was shone in his old pack, torture and agony would be what you would get and so it was hammered into the young boy to never show any sign of weakness. Mischief, snarkiness was alright if you didn't show weakness, it would mostly hide weakness. Crumbling inside but strong outside? Good.

Leo stood at the edge of the ledge he stayed by mostly at The Sunspire when he wasn't hunting or patrolling. It made good memories of Hadrian and Scipio surface to his mind when he stared at the rushing waterfall and sat by the ledge, gazing into nothingness and lost in the longing. The white wolf was trained to be able to sleep anywhere, survive under any circumstances and always find a way out because there was always a way out. A soft inaudible sigh slipped from his lips, his muscular form the only thing near the waterfall for now. "Where are you, Mercury? Will you guide me to my brother?" he whispered, lips barely moving and only the faintest of sounds drifted out. But other than that, nothing betrayed him, the same emotionless mask dominating his features.

Messages In This Thread
lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 23, 2014, 05:51 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 23, 2014, 09:22 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 26, 2014, 09:39 PM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 27, 2014, 08:46 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 27, 2014, 09:48 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 27, 2014, 09:21 PM