The Sunspire lend me your ears
31 Posts
Ooc — Will

Ears swiveled backwards at the sound of pawsteps, damn it, a Sunspire wolf had finally found him. He heard a growl of frustration and the sound of limping, the uneven pawsteps, so, this wolf was injured, huh. He turned around, paws making no sound on the rock, vibrant blue eyes scanned her boredly. A light gray wolf and truthfully, to him, she wasn't too injured. He and all his siblings had much more injuries than she will ever had, thanks to their brilliant father. Though Vale supposed he should thank him for his skills nowadays, the stoic, bored mask, the glint in his eyes that scared away wolves, his brilliant fighting skills.

Twisting his head in a casual manner, he turned to lick at one of the deep scratches the cougar inflicted upon him, it wasn't bleeding too much but it hurt like hell. All the claw scratches did, but trained to never show emotion, he had learnt to swallow to pain long ago. ”Hurt aren't ya?" he called out boredly, a crooked charismatic smile spreading across his features. Leo wasn't completely blind, he knew he had quite good looking despite the scar that marred his face, but truthfully, he had absolutely no interest in this wolf. The silver white youth never had any interest in anyone but a certain dark furred wolf rose to his mind, though a moment later he shook it away.

Leo didn't have time for romance or any shit like that, his main goal right now was to find his goddamned brother and apologize to him. He knew Hadrian probably didn't know he had thought he betrayed him, that he had purposely attacked the silver wolf because he thought that wolf was his brother. Shame coursed through his body but like he did with all the annoying emotions he felt that were unnecessary, he pushed it away. The feeling of shame could wait later, right now, he was going to play with this wounded wolf and perhaps play away his troubles for a bit.

Messages In This Thread
lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 23, 2014, 05:51 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 23, 2014, 09:22 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 26, 2014, 09:39 PM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 27, 2014, 08:46 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Valerius - October 27, 2014, 09:48 AM
RE: lend me your ears - by Rain - October 27, 2014, 09:21 PM