Emberwood cicero smiled
26 Posts
Ooc — Dain
Scipio moved silently and swiftly, slipped and vanished into the shadows for a second before reappearing a moment later. It was a gift to the line of Angelus Mortis wolves, even if that particular wolf was half a Greek. If only Aku had not raped his pathetic slave mother. He would have preferred Diana as a mother even if she was a cold hearted bitch. If he had been a slave, he would've run away at the first moment he had, there was no honor, no dignity for the position of a slave. But then, he remembered a lot of Greeks at Noctem Vagus. Some were women, used for breeding when Aku allowed the other wolves to breed, or for pleasure, or just to humiliate. The others were greek men, they were reduced to scraps, the once proud warrior they were was gone, replaced by the pitiful, starving figure, working at the hands of their enemy, obeying orders without question. The agouti yearling had cursed his Greek ancestry in him, believing that all greeks were pathetic wolves with no honor and dignity, that would rather serve and be tortured then try to run away even if it ended up dying. He would've loved to renounce Aeode as his mother, if the slave hadn't begged Aku to not punish him when he was younger, that had always tried to help and care for him even if he just growled at her and pushed her away. And then his father decided that once wasn't good enough and raped the slave again, producing another litter of halfbreeds.

Scip did not talk with them often, refusing to acknowledge the fact that he would never be truly Roman whatever he did. He tried his best though, he always did, no matter what, but the shadow of his tainted ancestry would always be with him. And his halfbreed siblings, his full blooded siblings knew that he too was also a halfbreed. A bastard. That they were closer to him that Hadrian and Valerius and all the others were. He had bastard siblings.

He continued his walk beside the stream, though he smelled the familiar scent of a bastard. So she also left their 'home' behind didn't she? At least she had more of Rome in her than Greece. The Roman did not turn, instead continue trotting in a swift graceful manner, the gentle, lightly accented words slipping out from his mouth. "You left Mother, Father behind too, dear sister? Wouldn't have thought she would let another of her children away from the safety of Noctem Vagus. Dear old mother." although his tone was light, it held a heavy note of resentment and sarcasm that only those who knew him well would understand and Basilie did.
Messages In This Thread
cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 02, 2014, 10:22 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 02, 2014, 11:08 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 02, 2014, 11:18 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 03, 2014, 04:25 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 03, 2014, 04:14 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 04, 2014, 08:28 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 04, 2014, 01:08 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 15, 2014, 03:50 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 15, 2014, 04:25 AM