The Sentinels Come together, right now, over me
52 Posts
Ooc — Kan
iaghe's eyes opened, two icy slits that watched soundlessly as the ruscoqui darted out into the morning. the shadow's frosted crown lifted a tad, watching fleurette go blamelessly. 

she would not have faulted the woman for not returning. 

already, the wretch could see that she was like a breath of spring air where the islander was pure winter. 

her chin settled back on her paws, thinking. contemplating where she might go from here. 

it was only the control that came with established habit that kept her from startling when the sunbeam flounced back into their temporary domain; long ago having accustomed to holding herself still as if that could stave off the inevitable fracturing.

fleurette would find the winterborne precisely as she left her against the cave wall -- pale gaze watching her guardedly, yet not unkindly. 

the language barrier remained fixed stubbornly between them but when it became clear what fleurette wanted, iaghe would rise and follow after.

the void, what the spirits had done to her, clung to the shadowy recesses of her mind the entire way. 

apprehension filled her, guard hairs pricking to attention along her spine as she continously scanned their surroundings for danger. 

but her companion had remained unharmed thus far. she could only take that as a good omen.

the omen had lied. and the spirits made mockery of the ghost that had once worshipped them.

as soon as they'd drawn close enough for her to see it, for the land to take on the 'scape of her nightmares -- iaghe stuttered to a halt. 

nausea whirled deep within her and her heart jerked to a stop -- pain spearing her through the chest. 

surely, she was dying. 

that could be the only explanation for the way the fickle organ kick-started back to life -- dizzying waves of adrenaline flashing through her. 

trembling with the sudden fever of her own fear,  she backed a step away from the distant forest as if it might give chase -- or worse, burst into flame.

completely forgetting fleurette's presence, she stumbled further away. she'd have taken flight if she'd been able to run, but could only twist aside as her body wracked with a sudden dry heave.
"i can't come out. if i do, i'll go mad again" -- Snitter, The Plague Dogs
Messages In This Thread
Come together, right now, over me - by Fleurette - January 30, 2024, 10:25 AM
RE: Come together, right now, over me - by Iaghe - January 31, 2024, 09:15 PM
RE: Come together, right now, over me - by Fleurette - February 01, 2024, 09:38 AM
RE: Come together, right now, over me - by Iaghe - February 03, 2024, 12:16 AM
RE: Come together, right now, over me - by Fleurette - February 04, 2024, 09:49 AM