Emberwood cicero smiled
26 Posts
Ooc — Dain
"I was granted my leave by father." she corrected him, her words having an edge to them. A sardonic laugh slipped from the halfbreed's lips. She was a female, she had never endured the brutal and cruel treatment their father put his sons through, sure, she trained herself to be a fighter and got into lots of trouble, but she was never punished as much as the boys were. She had absolutely no idea how cruel their father was.

The older wolf wanted to smack some sense into his younger sister, she was brainwashed, too naive to see Aku's true nature. His father hadn't bothered with her yet, of course, because she was female and she was young. He would've either killed her if she was useless, sent her to live with the other female helpers, or if she had reached sexual maturity, he would've raped her. Father wouldn't have cared that she was of his own blood, incest meant nothing to him, if he needed children, he would get them. Daughters meant absolutely nothing to the brute, but simple servants and breeding tools. Scipio might be wrong, but he was pretty sure he got a lot right.

"Bring honor to father's name?" he laughed mockingly. "Granted leave by Aku? No reason to chase you out? Surely you are not so blind, little sister." sea green eyes were emptied of feeling as he paused and gazed at her. "Father deserves no honor, he has no honor and the gods damn him. You are a female, Basilie, you were never treated the same way our dear old dad treated his sons. He treated you differently for you would never be his heir, and in his eyes, you would never be a true warrior of Rome. A bastard that he never meant to have. No halfbreed would be granted a real place in Noctem Vagus." although his father had treated him worse out of all his sons because of his heritage, he still taught him useful fighting skills, albeit cruelly and brutally. "Of course Aku gave you permission to leave, a bastard daughter, he didn't need you. And of course their was no reason to chase you out, why would he need to chase a bastard female when he could just use you for his own pleasures, for you to do woman work?" he leaned closer to his sister. "No matter what you do, little sister, the blood of the greeks will always run in our veins."

Scipio then turned and continued walking, "Aku didn't have a shadow, he had no honor, dignity, real respect from any of the real Romans. Fear was what made them obey him. He was cruel and merciless to everybody, without justice. True Romans are better wolves, such as grandfather and the surrounding packs. You might think they are weak, sister, but they will be stronger than Aku would ever be. It takes more than fake power and making others fear him to have true courage, dignity, honor, respect, mercy. Father will be damned to Tartarus when he dies, and there he will receive what he deserves, that is, if he didn't get it from my brothers when they rebel." he smiled, the crooked sarcastic troublemaker smile.

”And that fight in the end was one of the best things that ever happened in my life, for I finally knew Hadrian didn't leave willingly. You can go try and restore father's long forgotten honor, but I shall go and find my brother who is a much better wolf that father ever was, and now, a true Imperator of his own pack."
Messages In This Thread
cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 02, 2014, 10:22 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 02, 2014, 11:08 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 02, 2014, 11:18 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 03, 2014, 04:25 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 03, 2014, 04:14 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 04, 2014, 08:28 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 04, 2014, 01:08 PM
RE: cicero smiled - by Scipio - November 15, 2014, 03:50 AM
RE: cicero smiled - by RIP Basilie - November 15, 2014, 04:25 AM