Lion Head Mesa needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch
89 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
For the first little while he was above-ground, if you could call the confines of the small, cramped room as above rather than within.

Accustomed to his freedom, Drusk suffered in these early days in a way that was more esoteric and psychological; under the watch of @Zaahira who refused visits from anyone else, he spent hours huddled at the back of this cave in the dark. Seething, staring, and spurning every attempt that was made to get information.

There was little he could offer them but his fangs, grimacing; his voice a cacophony of sounds they could not translate; laughter and spit, and the occasional lashing-out when he saw a chance at freedom.

They could not hold him forever.
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needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch - by Drusk - May 14, 2024, 09:10 PM