Lion Head Mesa needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch
89 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
The boy was afraid, of course he was afraid. There was no point in avoiding the obvious. All he could do now was watch when the bodies came too close and he would bare his fangs, and writhe, and make it as hard as possible for his captors.

The woman, she was smarter. She kept back and she watched, and maybe her words were meant as a goad; he couldn't know. Her tone was simmering and focused. She wanted something from him—and the only answer he had was...

Annevalat! Chakat jin, sajak mesilat!

He frothed and swore, but kept himself back against the wall.
Messages In This Thread
needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch - by Drusk - May 14, 2024, 09:10 PM
RE: needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch - by Drusk - May 15, 2024, 11:53 PM