Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Not a worry in the world :) envy is her own genre of depraved so i really dont mind.

She didn't pick up on his innuendo, instead taking it rather literally, and echoed his statement with a simple tilt of her head. Was it a threat? His body language said otherwise. Why would you do that? She'd ask, not computing whatsoever. Rearranging organs was notably, not good for the host—but it might've made an interesting experiment some other day, if she could catch a fox or something of the sort to toy around with. 

The realization might come later, as she lays her head to rest for the night, but for now, it was absent. 

Yeah well. Exisiting in silence is so boring! Are you not bored? The bison aren't exactly the most riveting of entertainment. Look at them over there. Huffing and snorting and grazing. Once you've seen them do those three things, you've seen it all. Conversation is much better, yes? She'd muse, traipsing a circle around him as she spoke and casting a wide-eyed stare toward the bison below, before turning her attention back to the grizzled one, looking expectantly and speaking fast enough to trip over her own words. I am Envy, m' new to yellowstone ranks. And you are? 

The rasp of his voice also ushered a flicker of curiosity to dance across her features, and now that he had turned his head, she spotted rather quickly that only one eye retained its function, whilst the other sat there, dulled, scratched over, and occupying a space in his skull. 

She wished to peer into the tendrils that held it there, and find which ones had ceased providing life to the eye. 

Like a whelp with no respect, she stared at every imperfection strewn across the mans frame.
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RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 17, 2024, 11:03 AM