Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Fine fine. I believe ya then, since you're so insistent. She'd surrender in the form of a softer huff, and skip on ahead, tail flicking at the strands of grass as she passed.

That earlier realization would dawn on her as the movement spurred her thoughts, and there would be a moment of silence left between the two as Envy suddenly halted her pace, whipped her head around, and side-stepped. Her eyes narrowed to a slit as she looked him over again. Bleh. You are nasty. She'd chastise lightly without the context of her revelation, and turn back to resume her idle trot across the land.

N' I'm not gonna dissect you... that's for yotes and foxes when I can catch em'! I would not harm a packmate! Baseless accusation! That would be bad, and I am not bad, I am good. My eyes are for looking, and my paws are for healing. Heeeealing. She affirms, as if the double standard was truly much better, and not an admission of far worse deeds. She stands on raised pale toes, and puffs her pearly chest out in a prideful manner, before once again twisting away and skipping across the land, spotting a gopher hole and sticking her head into it without a second thought. When she'd find naught but an empty burrow, she would pull herself out, flinging flecks of dirt backwards, some of which now staining the base of her ears. Envy drew a pale mitten across her maw to rub some of it away.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 18, 2024, 12:09 PM