Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Sorry, work again! Back at it

Pff. That earned a snicker from her as her head keeled forward slightly at the brush of his tail, and she paused to rise and briefly shake out her shaggy silver coat.

His offer gleamed a spark of excitement to dance across her expression, and manifest further in the delighted wriggle of her frame. Hell yeah I'd want em'. All the reward, none a' the work... Although I don't particularly mind doin' it myself when the opportunity presents itself.. I'd certainly be less likely to get in trouble if that were the case.. She eyes him once more, as if striking some sort of devilish deal. She did not wish to immediately be scorned from the pack she'd only just wormed her way into. 

Though an unspoken, unrealized desire, she'd seek to be enabled.

Apparently, some find it 'disturbing' She emphasizes a touch of mockery in her words.

A failure to compute. A failure to grasp the weight of it all. She spat the word just as it had been spat towards herself. 

Or perhaps the rest of you just can't get it. 

It's silly. She states with an air of dismissal, and surveys the scape around them, seeking for herbs in the midst of what had turned into a little walk. S'a pretty place. Nicer than forest. Bet it might suck when the snow comes 'round, though.
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RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 18, 2024, 06:04 PM