Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
She'd skip along after him. 

trouble finds me anyways His words were like a sweet serenade made just for her depraved ears, the promise of opportunities, he seemed to be sure of it, and so she'd echo the sentiment with an idle flicker of hope within her crimson gaze. Though he had also requested she not assist him... she would be a pest nonetheless. It was in her nature.

It is wrong to hope for others to be hurt, if only so you can play a game. This, she knew well.....But it didn't feel wrong. It never had felt wrong. That voice in the back of her head did naught but confuse her scattered mind.

He was right, in that somebody must have shared her curiosities, once. She had never been the same, once she'd glimpsed the insides of an elk as a whelp. How everything worked in harmony to maintain life, and how everything crumbled, and ceased function once gnashing jaws tore the beast asunder. The art of medicine was one that required a steady heart, and eyes that do not avert. She felt the disgust boil up in her chest at the thought of those unenamoured with evolution. Why practice, if you do not seek to be better? For in all the things she'd put her mind to, it was this which stayed consistent, stayed challenging... stayed thrilling.

Mmhm. She affirmed. His words merely strengthening her convictions. 

Too many can hide? What, you got assassins on your trail? She jeered playfully, prodding his flank with a paw. See, I'm just not excited for it to be cold n' windy with only the cliffs for shelter. Cold and scrawny's a real shit combo, yknow.
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RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 20, 2024, 06:04 PM