Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
lmk if you would like to move towards a close at any point, don't wanna be too overbearing lol

Well they better not cause trouble for the rest of us. Or... hm. Might shake things up. She'd pause to shrug. Everyone I've found is lounging n' watching the bison. Do a favour an' piss of some more folk, hey? That'll get everyone off their lazy butts... Give me somethin' to do. I get reeeeeal chatty when I've got nothing else to do. Makes me antsy She echoed her statement with the patter of her pearly mitts against the soil. Never ceasing.

She raked her eyes up and down his figure once more, letting out a pitched scoff Gah. Course you don't. Get a little hungrier and you can have the full experience.

She kept herself reeled in, surprisingly, all things considered; though with every sidelong glance cast toward him, she ogled the scars which desecrated his form. She wished to touch them, study them, see the craftsmanship of other healers, or that of simple time... Like any scarred beast, it fascinated her. Most though, grew displeased when she'd come to mention them. 'Bad memories' or the like. She spat on sensitivity, yet she would hold herself, for a while, at least. Eventually, as always, curiosity would get the better of her.
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RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 22, 2024, 12:14 PM