Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Nothing else could make me feel this good
59 Posts
Ooc — Bone
sorry for the holdup, got busy with work. I'll wrap up here! thank you for threading with me, it was wonderful to write with your character :)

His mention of hunting them stood in stark contrast to the reason she had thrust herself toward the plains. She was in search of home, of somewhere a wretched creature like herself could find respite without the worry of being tossed back out on her own. There was little consideration on her part, because the opportunity was simply too good to pass up. She could pull her weight, or at the very least, offer the facade of doing so.

Her paws had grown too dainty for the life of a traveler, much less, one that had to be entirely self-sufficient. It was her own personal hell, no ears to wrack with incessant chatter, and no bodies to bring her food at her whims. It was no wonder she grew to be thin and bony in the previous months. 

She idled on the thought awhile, figuring perhaps she too should cast some of her interest toward the bison—beyond that of her own ravenous hunger. Perhaps the others watched them for a reason.

Well, I'll be excited to see that. I wanna have a taste of em'. You'll give me a call, I'm sure. Envy remarked quietly as she imposed herself, drawing her tongue across her maw as she stealing a glance toward the lumbering beasts along the plateau. 

Eventually, when every word had finally fallen from the cluttered skull of hers, she'd slip away to resume her earlier task of exploring the land and seeking for herbs, her mind trailing off and seeking out its next thrill. Never occupied on one thing for too long. She'd offer a grin and a brief goodbye, before ice-slicked paws would lead her astray once more.
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RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Envy - May 26, 2024, 02:35 PM