Hoshor Plains Don't feed me, I will come back
Nothing else could make me feel this good
59 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Envy had laid down, pearly forelimbs stretched out to rest on the dry ground. One teased circles into the easily-disturbed soil, shifting it around in an idle pattern. Her jaws would part in a breif yawn, tongue rolling across sharp little canines before she'd cloak them once more behind deceivingly soft features. Boredom fell plain across her face—a mind not stimulated beyond that which she sought out for herself. 

The approach of a white-faced woman spurred the wretch to her feet however, as her mind drew the conclusion that this figure of white and silver must be the alpha female. She looked pristine enough, with a snaking form that slithered over to Envy's own company.

Oh! You are miss Nephele yes? She crooned, abruptly scurrying to her feet and trotting to meet her halfway—invading her space without a second thought put to it. She wished to memorize her scent, her features, commit her to memory, for she was the authority Envy would be subject to. It was important to know what made her tick, and what garnered her approval.

First impressions mattered, after all.

Met your husband in the forest over.... She'd pause to look for a direction, head flipping from side to side. ...Somewhere that way—Doesn't matter! He said to meet you next, but you have been away. You are back for a time? I am Envy.

and then the wretch would smile, a toothy, appeasing grin cast the way of the viper-woman. Envy felt this may be a challenge, to gain favour here. She could do it. She was smart, too.
Messages In This Thread
Don't feed me, I will come back - by Envy - May 13, 2024, 01:36 PM
RE: Don't feed me, I will come back - by Nephele - May 29, 2024, 11:04 PM
RE: Don't feed me, I will come back - by Envy - June 02, 2024, 06:35 PM
RE: Don't feed me, I will come back - by Nephele - June 09, 2024, 10:13 PM
RE: Don't feed me, I will come back - by Envy - June 10, 2024, 09:20 PM