Lion Head Mesa apogee
89 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
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A routine had dawned around the captive.

He had kept tabs upon those who watched and those who visited in earnest, and adapted to their schedule, as well as absorbing bits and pieces of their language.

When he spoke it clearly, he was rewarded with better food, or more water.

Little by little a cultural exchange was brought about; although often enough Drusk held spine, even in his weakness, even as a beast of the pit — but yes, eventually, there was enough learned that he could put together rudimentary conversation.

When a shadow crossed over the pit from the plinth above, Drusk blinked up and glared, because it was not the usual time for talking and he had already been fed his pittance of dinner. He lay in the cooling dark while picking bits of it from between his teeth.
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apogee - by Drusk - June 17, 2024, 12:38 AM