Duskfire Glacier you are the trailer park, I am the tornado
9 Posts
Ooc — Meri
All Welcome 
maybe @Dirtwater Fox or @Dagur but all welcome.

[Image: nothern-lights-duskfire-thread.gif]

They called her a freak. A lunatic. Isra was a only survivor. She was the one who got away, for He wouldn't catch her now. He never would. Plenty had called her a madwoman. She had never understood. How was she a madwoman, if her crime was to live?

The icefield was truly dazzling under the midsummer night. The sky illuminated with opalescent hues that danced in the darkness. 

The monochrome woman gleefully raced across the ice, careful not to loose her footing. Oh He'd never find her. Not here, not now, and not ever. Not if she was ahead, by a step.
[Image: coyote-skull-removebg-preview.png]
Messages In This Thread
you are the trailer park, I am the tornado - by Isra - June 21, 2024, 06:56 PM