Golden Glade in a house that's not a home
32 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
oops, sorry! i got so distracted lol

mmm, came a thick, thoughtful hum from pike, who was in no place to judge. still, maybe a part of him was -- but it came from self-loathing rather than a disdain for the stranger opposite him. 

the world's smallest violin played softly in the background as pike took time to consider what to say. truthfully, he felt this man was better conversation than he could ever be -- proof in the silence that slunk around them. both of their eyes averted, a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. guilt? shame? just avoidance? the goliath took to his feet, gaze falling back on collision with a small smile, the whisper of one, at the corner of his maw. perhaps the next time we cross paths things could be different, he said with an earnest tone, green eyes narrowed, i should return to my uh, wallowing, i s'pose -- i'm sure you've got some to do too.
Messages In This Thread
in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 11, 2024, 08:23 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 11, 2024, 08:40 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 11, 2024, 08:53 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 11, 2024, 09:07 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 11, 2024, 09:20 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 11, 2024, 09:39 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 11, 2024, 10:05 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 11, 2024, 10:20 PM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 12, 2024, 07:10 AM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 12, 2024, 08:44 AM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Pike - June 24, 2024, 09:51 AM
RE: in a house that's not a home - by Collision - June 24, 2024, 07:29 PM