Kintla Flatlands Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Set between BDP and RBF, making some vague assumptions. This is a spree for @Perseus, but @Makan is welcome to make a cameo appearance <3
The days rolled on. She did not die.

And if she was not meant for death, there was nothing else to do but pick herself up and go on. So she did. Stumbling and half-crazed, her furs disheveled, her eyes dimmed — but still so full of determination. Always that, if nothing else.

She was a Sea-Snake, after all.

And she thought she could smell the sea here. Alara drew to a halt, testing the wind as a hopeful light returned to her eyes.
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Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back - by Alara - June 24, 2024, 03:13 PM