Kintla Flatlands Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Truth be told, she scarcely saw him.

Alara blinked as the dark-coated stranger entered her focus — and nearly chose to pass over his existence entirely. Thus far no one had been able to take her to the sea. What were they worth to her, then? Another reason to weep?

Yet something in his eyes stopped her. Pretty blue eyes. She blinked again.

Do you know the way to the sea? Scarcely more than a rasping whisper. There was no energy in her for niceties. He would take her to the sea, or she would leave him behind as she had all the rest.
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RE: Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back - by Alara - June 24, 2024, 05:59 PM