Kintla Flatlands Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back
4 Posts
Ooc — KT
She glazed over him as if he were not there and a chill swept down the length of his spine. She was sick, in some way, whether it be of her body or her head. When she caught his gaze, a flicker of recognition sparked alight.

She was a Sea-Snake. And he knew her affliction.

Despite their appearance of neutrality, Tangaroa always felt fiercely protective of the Sea-Snakes; at least the ones who were in their favor. He felt it stir somewhere deep within the corridors of his heart.

The sea is north. He tipped his nose in that direction. He could smell it from here when the breeze carried it inland. We are not far.

He lowered his head with a wave of his tail and took a cautious step closer. I am going there now. Travel with me.
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RE: Threw you the obvious, and you flew with it on your back - by Perseus - June 27, 2024, 08:20 AM