Whitewater Gorge Thorn bush
Nothing else could make me feel this good
62 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Startled, Envy scrambled in place for a moment before whipping her attention around to this interloper that sought to derail her task, tattered ears were perked up and pointed in his direction.

Not hunting! She'd exclaim through a mouth full of sage slicked with saliva, it was making the corners of her mouth tingle and a part of her simply could not wait to enjoy a night free from nagging machinations and all-consuming restlessness. Dropping the sage to the ground and protectively moving to stand over it, she raked her gaze down the redwood man that faced her, her chin raised slightly and her chest puffed with a confidence unmatching of her stature nor her state.

So if you wanted food, yer out of luck. I'm picking flowers. She says firmly, cocking her head to the side as she continued to study him.

His tone sounded friendly-like. Maybe he was just curious, and did not seek to assail her for one reason or another, but then again, she could not often tell. That sheltered part of her screamed to be on her guard while the rest was eager to absorb this stranger for all he was worth.

Lone wolves could be so unpredictable and it made her head hurt. Not often was intention painted so easily for all to see, and so she had to dig deeper.

...Sorry to disappoint. She'd soften her voice, no longer so accusatory, though he had given her quite a scare, albeit, much to her own fault for being so tunnel-visioned that she neglected her environs, but blame was never hers and so it was cast from thought without a moment to spare. Regardless, she was still holding onto it a little, evident in the narrowed slits of mahogany that she traced over him with.
Messages In This Thread
Thorn bush - by Envy - June 20, 2024, 10:10 AM
RE: Devious Dealings - by Briar Cayde - June 24, 2024, 05:52 PM
RE: Devious Dealings - by Envy - June 29, 2024, 06:11 PM
RE: Devious Dealings - by Briar Cayde - July 04, 2024, 09:33 PM
RE: Devious Dealings - by Envy - 1 hour ago