Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Nothing else could make me feel this good
60 Posts
Ooc — Bone
I rolled a 19 for success chance for her catching the thing, but since you rolled for a fail, I think I'll have them lose it after her initial hit. rolled for failure with minor injury. Alluded to a fawn nearby earlier, we can have them find that afterwards.

Roger that, boss!

Envy crept her way a little closer before springing into action, flustering the grazing doe, it reared onto two feet, kicking the air afront her before bounding into a leap—trying to escape.

Envy felt the intelligent thing to do would be to corrall the beast towards Dreven, but this was far harder than it looked, the doe was swift and held no hesitation in its hasty escape. Thinking quickly, she'd pursue and try to trip up the doe, eventually managing to clasp her jaws around a hind leg.

Rather than hold it there, she was moreso being dragged along, but she did her job in slowing the deer enough for company to arrive.

There was a thrill in her eyes as the crimson dripped down her chin.

But it was not long lasting, her delight was dampened quickly as she was shirked from grasp on the limb while the doe bucked and shook its leg free from her fangs, making her tumble a bit the moment she dropped her grip. She did not however, manage to avoid the sharp end of a hoof striking the right side of her face, leaving a shallow cut in its wake.

She spent a moment shaking her head ferociously, and then pawing at the laceration, smearing the trickle of blood that now stained her silvery visage. Right on her pretty face.

MISERABLE! A curse on your bloodline, deer! Now she had a cut and nothing to show for it!

She'd turn to Dreven, weary and scowling.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Envy - June 30, 2024, 09:46 PM