Two Eyes Cenote Mind Palace
22 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
I will gladly take this opportunity to be a little experimental <3

Running water fills his ears. Water washed over his body and he was floating. Floating, floating, floating. He opened his eyes to dappled light rippling overhead. Bubbles trailed from his nose, but Rooke oddly didn't feel the need to breathe. He needn't gasp for air here, his lungs flexed, drawing in water. It didn't burn the way he thought it would. With each breath taken he began to sink deeper and deeper into the blue depths.

His fur floated around him. He turned his head, curious. Was it just him in this endless abyss? Soon his answer would come in the form of light. The waves overhead drifted further and further away from himself. Leaving him in the dark. Only glimpses of light mimicked stars. And soon the stars began to follow him down. They swirled around him, starlight glittering in their wake. A star stopped in front of him, and to his delight it expanded, growing fins and translucent scales. The other stars also transformed. A school of star-fish swirled around him.

He laughed as one of the star-fish ruffled his fur. His eyes reflecting the starlight glitter as they widened, awestruck. His paws extended forward, attempting to touch one. It darted away from his reach.

No! Come back!

He attempted to speak, but no sound left his maw. Only a stream of bubbles trailed upwards. He blinked slowly, and soon the star-fish began to swim away. Turning the depths of the water into a night sky as they drifted into the darkness.

No, wait for me! He thought towards the fish. Willing for the fish to understand him.

One star-fish shimmered ahead of him. Circling in a slow loop and waving it's tail fins to him. With a determined furrow of his brown, his churned his limbs. Propelling himself forward, he swam after the fish. The star-fish guided him down.

And down, down down, he went. Until the star-fish took him to bottom. With the sand something rippled. The star-fish wiggled in front of it.

Do you want this? He thought to the little fish. His toes hit the sand. Leaning down, he peered at the object. It was, a fur?

He looked over to his little fish friend, What is a fur doing down here? It waved its fins and nipped at the fur.

With a huff Rooke grabbed the fur with his teeth with intent to lift it from the sandy floor. It offered resistance. He tugged and tugged with all of his might. As soon as he pulled it back, a dark void was revealed. As soon at the void was revealed, Rooke was sucked into it before he could even scream. And he was tumbling, down, down, down.

Rooke washed out onto a cavern floor. Coughing and sputtering, pelt sodden and his eyes darted around for his star-fish. He could hear it flopping uselessly on the white stone floor.

Oh nonononono. He went to cup the poor fish in his paws but the starlight was fading before his eyes. The glimmer died out and with his ears flat to his skull, Rooke whined for the curious little creature.

Pelt-sodden, he began to assess his surroundings. The dazzle of the room outshined his poor little star-fish. Dripping onto the white stone floor, Rooke stepped forward towards a throne that seemed to materialize before him. His head lowered to the figure that sat upon it.

Messages In This Thread
Mind Palace - by Machiavelli - July 04, 2024, 09:44 PM
RE: Mind Palace - by Rooke - July 04, 2024, 11:27 PM