Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Nothing else could make me feel this good
103 Posts
Ooc — Bone
..Well I for one think we've blown it, with that one at least. Element of surprise's'been stamped all over. She says with a light huff, and rises from her haunches to scurry after him, before somewhat staggering her pace, and falling behind him.

She studied the scene a moment and her head would tilt in kind, a physical manifestation of her thoughts, Envy lacked the skill of hiding her inner workings. The doe had taken off in the direction they'd burst from, rather than the one she had come from initially. Sure, this could've just been a deer taking off at random, or it could've been an intentional diversion. This suspicion only found its place in her mind because in that briefest of moments when her jaws had met with the spindly limbs of the doe, she'd captured the feintest of milkscent. Were deer even smart enough to try and invite pursuit in the opposite direction of their young? Envy didn't question it, but she had a hunch and she was damned if she wasn't going to investigate it.

Jus' wait a minute. Hold on hold on. She chirped, and slithered away into the underbrush, heading in the opposite direction that Dreven pursued. It was a long moment of silence in her stead, as she traipsed through the undergrowth like a hound after a scent. She followed the previous tracks and stomped upon bracken and bramble with intensity and anticipation on every breath. It was only after rounding a particularly thick-stumped tree that she'd catch a glimpse of a fawn pressed flat to the earth, nestled in amongst the foliage.

Envy was no hunter, but she had caught a fair few little fawns in her days, and they were a particular favourite.

And here it sat like a little idiot, unmoving, as if she would be blind to it unless it sprang into action. She met its big, round eyes that scoured her the unmistakeable look of dread, and matched it with the cold, unwavering gaze of a predator. Move then, little dumbass. She found herself enjoying this staring contest, and dared the beast to flee, but it was a foreign language, and there could be no communication between hunter and hunted.

It did not move, this frozen act was all it knew, and so it invited her jaws to clamp hastily and viciously around its neck, where she'd then lift it, gangly and kicking at the air as the wretch dragged it back to the clearing where Dreven had decorated the earth with his throat-blood.

Look mmfwhat- I- mmfound. She mumbled through fur, and continued to drag the still-living fawn with an unmatched look of glee in her mahogany gaze.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Envy - July 06, 2024, 12:07 PM