Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Nothing else could make me feel this good
97 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Busy week, back at it

She'd intended for it to be savoured for the both of them, though Dreven was already receding the catch entirely to her as he'd slink away. More pressing matters, it seemed, that re-tearing of his throat can't have felt nice.

The fawn thrashed and kicked, and she partially struggled to keep her grip on it, especially as her eyes followed him into the brush. She ended the fawn with a few harsh thrashes, and dragged it a little ways after him, dropping it and trotting alongside him again. Yer' just gonna leave? Don't ya want me to fix you up? I can y'know. I'd have to make a brief lil detour to get something, but I coooould~ She cooed, a sing-songey twist that echoed her vague amusement at the scenario. Did it hurt? A task! Just for her! Finally! This, mixed with the thrill of the hunt, however meager, was making for a giddy combination. God, it was like she'd just snorted a line, the excitement in her steps and damn near vibration of her frame did little to make her look less crazed. Covered in blood, pearly fur stained and smeared with red. What a look she gave him, anticipation seeping out.

Please, it's not like she wanted to, or anything. She hid that well.

You can keep an' eye on the fawn while I run back n' grab somethin'. Pleasepleaseplease

She wouldn't actually spend much time waiting for a response, instead relegating the task of watching over the freshly killed meat to him and buggering off across the meadow.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Envy - July 12, 2024, 10:18 PM