Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Nothing else could make me feel this good
97 Posts
Ooc — Bone
She returned relatively quickly, all things considered; quick legs, this one.

In her jaws she carried a managerie of methodically chosen herbs, were she a doctor, she might've laid out a kit of surgical tools and flashed him a devious grin. "This won't hurt- much!" and cue an evil laugh.

She'd come up behind him, wasting no time on getting into his personal space to peer over his nape at at the wound beneath his chin, trailing up across his throat. Won't you at least let me see it? She chuffed out a command and would shove her face right next to his, her eyes affixed on that lovely tear.

The bleeding had slowed in the time she'd spent collecting her emergency supplies, and so it was of less concern to her now. It was relatively shallow but oooh boy did it look like it hurt like a bitch!

I've brought some mallow blossom, i can mince it up nice an' fine and spread it on that cut. Should have it in better shape in a day or two. She did always like to inform, not that he'd know what plants did what, or how hard they were to find and how grateful he should really be that she was using this ambrosia for him, but she found information did often quiet the protest from the more... uncooperative patients. Got somethin' for the pain too, but you're better to take that at home, or somewhere you can be all woozy without the risk of drownin' face first in a puddle.

She had set the herbs afront him, a delicate white blossom with a sweet aroma, plucked from the heights of the mountains she'd had to cross when she came to the prairie. Seer's sage, a treat plucked from the forests nearto the rivers and gorge; pain relief to the max, with the downside of a temporary frying of the brain. She'd even dragged along some leaves to shield the gash.

Still, she wouldn't quite get to work yet, she did in fact need at least a little bit of co-operation, if only for the location of this injury. She'd try to prompt him to lift his chin, pushing up under it with her own muzzle, she was many things, and patient was not one of them.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Envy - July 28, 2024, 07:58 PM