Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Nothing else could make me feel this good
97 Posts
Ooc — Bone
we can move towards a fade going forward if that’s good with you :)

Oh me? Nooo... never. She feigned innocence at his trace of humour, as if she herself hadn't laid the crumbs that labelled her ever the opportunist. His tap knocked her head downward a smidge, to which she grinned, appeased in more ways than just having done a good job.

She was starved, so starved of even just simple physicality. Each night back home she'd nestle in alongside a sibling, or a friend, each day she'd encircle another of her circumstance. Though fleeting, there was a trace of her that was sad for a moment, reminiscing on all the meaningless comfort she'd sought in the absence of what was owed to her when she born. Leave it to an urchin to be love starved long into her adulthood.

There was hesitance now in her actions. There had been for a long time. Since her tail found its crook and her ears became savaged. She was no pariah of personal space, but she held back now more than she ever had. The world could be cruel, and worse so, the world could be cruel for no reason at all. Purpose was what made cruelty worthwhile, and when there was none, it shattered her view of things and left her picking up the pieces.

I suppose you can have half the fawn to get your strength back up. She mused as she sat up, taking a few steps the other way to drag her quarry nearer to them.

She was grateful, really, that he was here, even if he had gotten injured for a whole lot of nothing. The least she could offer was a portion of the meal she dragged him out here to catch. ..I do appreciate you helping.. No need to worry bout bein' dissected in your sleep.... A pause, a joke, much as her tone struggled to convey.

Please, as if she would waste a packmate on something reserved for vermin.

I only do that to the ones I don't like, anyways. Envy snickered, tongue sweeping briefly across her jaws.

...D'you want a shoulder on the way home? She'd offer optimistically, head crooked to the side.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Envy - August 13, 2024, 04:24 PM