Northstar Vale New Beginnings, A Flower Bloomed In Autumn
36 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
She thought for a moment, wondering how much about herself she should even share. Sure, she could talk about where she came from or all the hardships she’d endured, but there would be much point to that. 

Her home has always moved. Ever since she was a pup, her pack would travel along the Great Lakes and sing songs of praise to the moon and stars all night long — only to return to their pledge of silence once dawn arose. She could talk about how she hated the constant quiet, or how her curiosity was always trampled on by those around her.

Yes, she had much to explain .. but she figured all of that could wait. "When I was a young pup, I often found myself curious of the world surrounding me." She started off with finally.

"Why the trees grew so tall, why the mountains were so large, why the sky was so unreachable .. things like that. Though, after some time I realized that there truly was no answer to longing questions such as those." She chuckled, shaking her head. "While I still desperately crave knowledge, I will only learn what the world allows me to. So, I set my sights on something more attainable."

Her claws sunk into the earth beneath them, drawing up a bundle of dirt. "I began to focus on what the earth surrounding us can do. What plants and roots heal us, what we should stay away from. What gifts we were given silently by our lands to find when we need it most." Her gaze shifted back towards Viskani.

"With knowledge like that, there is no limit to what can be done. What can be changed." A glimmer began to appear in her eyes. "Or at least, that’s what I think."
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
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New Beginnings, A Flower Bloomed In Autumn - by Kaaya Ayad - October 13, 2024, 03:10 PM
RE: New Beginnings, A Flower Bloomed In Autumn - by Kaaya Ayad - October 13, 2024, 04:40 PM