Blacktail Deer Plateau Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
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Ooc — Starrlight
@Lasher and @Blue Willow ;D yay! <3
I know we said that perhaps Blue Willow could inform Dante about what happened with Peregrine but would you want to set this before she left? I'm figuring it takes them like 3-4 days travel to hit the Caldera so this would be forward dated quite a bit if not. Either way!! Also made minor assumptions

Dante was thoroughly covered in mud, having had a spirited go at hollowing out his den earlier. The physical exertion had the dual effect of letting him work out some of his anger and stress that his previous encounter(s) this past handful of days had given him as well as kept his mind well occupied on other things. Now his forelegs were sore from the activity but his mind a much quieter place. It was with a sense of tired calm that he strode to the river to clean off some of the mess, although things were still far from ideal. Dante was a worrier, and the absences of both Finley and now Osprey troubled him. Finley, he hoped, had returned to the Caldera, though they would need to confirm this. A few had tried to follow her after she departed, but her trail had been lost. Dante did not take it as a particularly fortuitous omen.

Osprey was another matter. He knew she had some of the wanderlust within her, as they had spoken of it often, but he wondered if she would have departed at such a time with her niece ill and the Plateau so in need of every body possible present. They may need to look into her whereabouts as well, though he was loathe to send someone after her too soon. He got the feeling she could take care of herself for the most part.

All was not dark, thank goodness, and it was glad tidings that he prepared to bring tonight. He and Blue Willow had spoken on the subject previously and Dante felt there no better time than the present to make good on their decision. He could use some happiness and this was the perfect excuse to have a little. Shaking water out of his pelt with a slight shiver, he set off to find the object of the brighter business at hand... Lasher.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Messages In This Thread
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - by Dante RIP - November 17, 2014, 09:34 PM