Dawn Treader Valley while exploring this otherwise-impossible space
Bearclaw Valley
the muse of w a r
310 Posts
Ooc — delaney
free of her brother's never-ending bear hug, with help of their mother, towhee jr is free to sign once more; though she is glad that their time apart did not color her in a bad way to bushtit.

she watches her mother's ptero, wrinkling her nose in a flush of embarrassment at her mother coining it towheat, that quickly fades with what follows. would towhee jr have been able to speak she'd have stuttered over the word 'daddies' followed by the question: did she know.

-mom.- the ptero is a bit harsher than she meant it to be; mortified that her mother thought she'd slept around with different guys, followed by the unsigned question of: was that normal?

-not daddies. just daddy. singular.- she is quick to correct with ptero that is a little rushed. -truthfully, my want for him didn't end with my towheat,- a soft smirk tugs at her lips as she uses her mother's coined term for it. -and i'm not just talking about the D.- she clarifies.

-his name is tvar. he's a fellow guard at bearclaw with me.-

— denotes: -ptero- , thinking

tvar & kiddos are welcome in all threads

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Messages In This Thread
RE: while exploring this otherwise-impossible space - by Towhee Jr - January 14, 2025, 05:13 AM