Dawn Treader Valley while exploring this otherwise-impossible space
Bearclaw Valley
the muse of w a r
310 Posts
Ooc — delaney
towhee jr offers her mother a quizzical brow at the offered word 'gay', but doesn't spend too much time trying to process it as her mind was focused on reading the ptero that followed. -yes. i knew the regina from my time in redtail rise,- jr explains, calling back her memories and how much everything had been harder for him at the time. and that most of it had come from her own stubbornness.

-doesn't the story always start the same? guy and girl bang. boom. pregnant.- jr jokes, snorting in amusement at herself. she shoots a look at bushtit and offers her mother a sheepishly apologetic grin. but bushtit seemed more self aware of things and so jr isn't too apologetic.

-he joined bearclaw before me. we initially met patrolling the borders. we didn't really become close until my first day of towheat. he asked to learn ptero and even when my towheat ended ... our closeness didn't.-

-it was a pleasant plot twist i didn't see coming.- jr admits, paws stilling to watch for her mother's reaction.

— denotes: -ptero- , thinking

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Messages In This Thread
RE: while exploring this otherwise-impossible space - by Towhee Jr - January 18, 2025, 09:21 PM