think i can fly
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
<3! No need to match the length — this post was much longer than I anticipated it to be.

Since Vienna's attack by a cougar Sumayl had not ventured too awfully far from The Sunspire, favoring to be close to home and though he did not impose upon her for the sake of making her sick of him, he visited her often, or sometimes he left her an offering of food in the same manner that a human suitor might leave bouquets of flowers. Sumayl did not fancy himself so much of a romantic because he wasn't, but he did not want her to think that he had forgotten about her ...or worse yet that he didn't care. If Sumayl was being honest he was caring too much, too fast. Though Sumayl was by far and large too logical and practical to believe in such silly, fluffy fairy-tale things if he didn't know better he'd say that the beautiful, optimistic Vienna had him under some kind of spell. A spell that he had no intentions of fighting, even if the idea of “falling” for her was a little frightening, especially to the Playboy who had never been interested in more. Even so, Sumayl was careful to avoid Jace at any and all costs, lest they get into another fight. Vienna knew all about their last one, though it came as no surprise that Jace had ran off and tattled to his sister about Sumayl, who was reminded relevantly of a jealous child. Of course Sumayl wasn't, by any means, ignorant of the fact that if he sought a future with Vienna (providing she wanted one with him as well) he would, more likely than not, need Jace's approval and as things stood currently that did not appear likely in any foreseeable future.

As it turned out there were things that needed tended to within the internal lands of the pack territory, namely keeping up and checking with the food caches. Sumayl contributed here the most, putting patrols of the borders off to a secondary priority, though this was because Gamekeeper was his main focus. He desired the trade and felt the need to put in extra effort since his track record with being insubordinate to Jace likely did not leave a good impression upon the Alpha Female. It came as a genuine surprise that he hadn't been kicked out from The Sunspire, having, in all reality expected it. The fact that he still remained apart of their ranks was genuinely surprising, but Sumayl was not going to complain. The idea of being kicked out of the pack was starting to bother him more and more though the golden Ostrega knew full well that it was largely Vienna's influence upon him. Though there was no law that said he couldn't visit her if he pushed his boundaries until the broke, it certainly couldn't be whenever he felt like just dropping by. Sumayl enjoyed the convenience of being her pack mate a little too much.

Even today, he did not stray too far from The Sunspire, favoring the lower arrow lake, having tracked a little gathering (herd?) of mountain goats that traversed down The Sunspire and convened here to sate their thirst and relax. It wasn't a bad spot, Sumayl had to admit, and it meant that they're pray would be easily accessible when they moved like a cohesive unit to the “watering hole” he considered it. It would be useful in bad weather, when traversing too far from The Sunspire posed the bigger risk. Sumayl had watched them meander back up the mountain when they'd had enough, rising from his sphinx-like position from the ledge her perched upon to study them and 'track' them, when the last had disappeared from his view. It was then that a ivory figure cut through the chilly daylight, striking him, immediately, as vastly familiar. Golden gaze moved towards her to observe her, in turn, noticing that she appeared to be a little worse for wear. For a moment the golden outlaw did not move, unable to shake the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he knew her. It was like deja vu but stronger, more determined and resolute. Regally, the Ostrega leapt down, eyes assessing her again, only to pause, body freezing as her scent wafted his way. His heart stuttered in it's beats for a moment, as he sniffed at the air, desperate to confirm that he was not mistaken.

But how could he be mistaken? He would know his baby sister anywhere. Despite that he had not seen her in some months now. Sumayl had hoped his siblings would find their way to him, though he did not hold to the vain hope as others might have.

“Cheh?” He called out to her with trepidation in his voice, afraid that she might vanish like a ghost. “Chehlia!” Sumayl beckoned to her, tail beginning a steady wag with a bubble of joy and hope that warmed his chest.

Messages In This Thread
think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 02:52 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - November 30, 2014, 03:36 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 03:53 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - November 30, 2014, 04:26 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 09:53 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - December 02, 2014, 08:48 AM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - December 13, 2014, 09:03 AM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - December 26, 2014, 12:53 PM