think i can fly
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
There was a part of Sumayl that thought that if he let go of her she might vanish into thin air, nothing more than a creation of his imagination, even though his imagination wasn't nearly so powerful. While the Ostrega children had been quite young when the forest fire had ripped through their home and torn them, tragically, from their parents, it was not something that Sumayl would ever forget. Even now, it haunted his nightmares and threatened to consume even his dreams with the traumatic memory. It had given Sumayl a healthy fear of fire, and a hesitation towards lighting, which he had always assumed was the fire of the sky. At least, he knew it could cause fires on the earth if struck right so in his mind there was little to no difference. Chehlia murmured to him that she did not agree with the way he had worded it, amending herself. To Sumayl it was much of the same thing, and though the golden outlaw frowned he did not say anything further about the matter, backing down for the sake of not wanting to get into a disagreement with his sister, so newly reunited with him. He'd had enough of fighting with wolves — his altercations with the male he only knew, rudely, as “Snow White” and Jace flitting to the forefront of his mind — to last him for a couple of months.

Verbal fights were all apart of being confrontational but this was a different situation entirely. Chehlia was his sister and one of the few wolves he hated to fight with. It happened, of course, they were siblings after all, but he made an effort to try to be less like a rebel and more like a good, cordial big brother in her presence. Even if he failed at it. “How Harlyn and Takalv? Is it lonely without the seven of us to there to raise hell?” Sumayl couldn't help but ask her, truly curious about the well being of their foster parents. It had been some time since he had last seen them and though they could never replace Dhani or Celia to Sumayl, he still loved them in a way. Sumayl felt her nudge him, and then lean further into him causing a soft sigh to emit from his lips. “Sorry, Cheh. I didn't realize how far I traveled,” He was used to going long distances to track herds, and had, in all actuality, followed a herd to these very Wilds. Before he had known it there had been a great distance between where he had started and where he had decided to end.

“The important part, though, is that we found each other now,” And he wasn't determined to lose her again any time soon. Ears lowered to rest at half mast atop his skull as he considered seeing if she would join The Sunspire so that they could be in the same pack, or if she had something else in mind. It was true that he did not have good standing with Jace, and did not know Ame well enough to have much of a standing with her besides Alpha and Subordinate and his “bad behavior” would, likely, not grant him any sort of favors with the leadership. But he stubborn enough to try, at the very least, if Chehlia was willing to join The Sunspire, of course. “Do you have anything in mind pack wise? I'm with the pack that lives at the base of this mountain called The Sunspire,” He gestured towards it with his muzzle. Though he wanted her close to him, he would respect her wishes, whether she decided to join The Sunspire, or she did not.

Messages In This Thread
think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 02:52 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - November 30, 2014, 03:36 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 03:53 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - November 30, 2014, 04:26 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - November 30, 2014, 09:53 PM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - December 02, 2014, 08:48 AM
RE: think i can fly - by Chehlia - December 13, 2014, 09:03 AM
RE: think i can fly - by Sumayl - December 26, 2014, 12:53 PM